York has an extensive local bus network, including one of the UK's largest Park & Ride systems.
Buses in York are run by a number of different companies, offering local services in addition to longer distance routes serving the wider region. A number of surrounding cities and towns such as Leeds, Malton, Selby and Pocklington are easily commutable by bus to and from York.
The majority of bus services in York are operated commercially, with some socially necessary services receiving financial support from City of York Council or neighbouring local authorities. See our list of bus operator contact details to find out how to contact your local bus company.
Please see more information on York's Bus Service Improvement Plan.
In April 2022, the Department for Transport made an indicative funding award of £17.3 million to City of York Council in respect of its Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP). This funding amount was confirmed in August 2022.
To utilise the BSIP funding, the council must enter into a statutory Enhanced Partnership (EP) with local bus operators. The EP sets out the responsibilities of both the council and local bus operators and makes a binding commitment to honour these responsibilities.
Statutory notices
Notice of Intent to Prepare an Enhanced Partnership Plan and Scheme
At its meeting on 20th May 2021, City of York Council gave approval to proceed with the development of an Enhanced Partnership. The commencement of this is confirmed through this notice of the intention to prepare an Enhanced Partnership Plan and accompanying Enhanced Partnership Schemes, as required and set out in section 138F of the Transport Act 2000.
Conclusion of Statutory Operator Objection Period
The Operator Objection period commenced on 18th July 2022 and concluded on 5th August 2022. No operator objections were received.
Conclusion of Statutory Public Consultation
The public consultation period commenced on 11th August 2022 and concluded on 8th September 2022. 527 responses were received. 77% of respondents agreed with the EP objectives and 80% supported the proposed EP measures.
Notice of Making an Enhanced Partnership Plan and Scheme
The York Enhanced Partnership for Buses formally came into effect on Tuesday 27 September 2022.

Most buses in York are operated commercially by bus companies. Where this is not possible, the Council provides financial support.

Bus Service Operators Grant (BSOG) is a grant paid by HM Government to operators of eligible bus services and community transport organisations to help them...

The York Quality Bus Partnership exists to improve and encourage greater use of public transport in York.