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Mobility and access

Do you have difficulty getting around and need extra support with your journeys? Whether your mobility and access needs relate to disabilities or another factor, the following links might help you.

See information from City of York Council about City Centre Disabled Access.

Live Well York

The Live Well York website has useful summaries and explanations of services available around York as well as links to the relevant websites.

Dial & Ride - book a bus

Dial & Ride ended Sunday 31 December 2023. It was a door-to-door bus service from home to the city centre or to major supermarkets and shopping centres.

York Wheels - book a car

York Wheels is a volunteer car driver scheme where customers can book a car in advance to collect them and take them to their destination. For people who cannot easily access public transport. To use the service, you must be over 60, disabled or in receipt of benefits.

Pathways to Pedals

Pathways to Pedals is run by Get Cycling in York. Loan a specialist cycle from them. If you meet their criteria it could be for free.

Car Club - Surrogate Drivers

Enterprise Car Club in York have a surrogate driver system for people to book a car but have a person they know drive them. Normally the car club member who books the car would have to drive it.

You can nominate someone as a surrogate driver as long as they have a valid driving licence. You can become a (non-driver) member with up to 3 appointed people as the driver on your account, and Enterprise will remove the standard membership fee for these drivers.


The Shopmobility service can loan specialist equipment, such as manual/electric wheelchairs and powered mobility scooters in the city centre.

Blue Badge

People with permanent and substantial walking difficulties can apply for a Blue Badge to access Blue Badge parking, in order to be able to park closer to shops, restaurants and other places.

Accessible Bus Services

Accessible Bus Services offer low-floor and wheelchair-accessible buses.

Download an Extra Help Card that you can print off and show to First Bus drivers, for example if you want them to wait for you to sit down before moving again.

Bench locations

Knowing where benches are can help you to take rests on your walk.

You can view Bench locations on the YorkView map. Select 'seats' in the 'street care' section of the map layer List.

View larger map


The AccessAble website provides detailed disabled accessibility guides to over 100 buildings and services in York, including hotels, cinemas, restaurants, offices and pubs.

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