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Enhanced Partnership

Enhanced Partnership

The York Enhanced Partnership for Buses logo


On Tuesday 27 September 2022, the York Enhanced Partnership for Buses formally came into effect.

This is a statutory Enhanced Partnership (EP) under the Transport Act 2000, between City of York Council and York’s local bus operators.

The EP sets out a range of binding responsibilities for the partners and will act as the principal delivery body for the £17.36 million Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) funding. This funding has been awarded to the council by the Department of Transport (DfT) for use during the financial years 2022 to 2025. The EP will also provide a platform for bus users and stakeholders to share their views on the local bus network.

York’s BSIP was 1 of only 2 in the Yorkshire region to receive government funding and will enable the council and local bus operators to implement a wide range of improvements to the city’s bus network and associated infrastructure.

Improvements to the city's bus network and infrastructure

Some of the planned measures include:

  • upgrades to bus infrastructure, including stops, shelters and real-time information screens
  • new bus priorities
  • improved ticketing and cheaper fares for young persons
  • improved bus information
  • improvements to local bus service levels
  • restarting the Poppleton Bar Park & Ride service, which has been dormant since April 2020
  • upgrading Park & Ride sites to include overnight parking and better connections to longer-distance bus services
  • proposals for new developments to include provision of high-quality bus infrastructure and services

EP Plan and Scheme Documents

The EP Plan sets out the current state of the network, along with high level BSIP objectives and measures. The EP Scheme sets out detailed commitments and governance arrangements.

Enhanced Partnership Forum

The Enhanced Partnership Forum meets approximately every month. The Forum provides an opportunity for bus user representatives to air their views, discuss the proposed measures and make recommendations to the Operational Delivery Group.

Membership of the EP Forum is open to representatives of the stakeholder groups, bus passenger or disability advocacy groups with an interest in the York local bus network, along with elected members of City of York Council.

Other members of the public may make a request to attend or address a particular meeting of the EP Forum, at the discretion of the Independent Chairperson.

How to participate

If you'd like to apply to join the forum, please email: stating your name and any information about yourself which you’re happy to share with us. It's our hope that the Forum membership will include a broad range of ages, backgrounds and abilities. Your application request will be forwarded to the Independent Chairperson, who is responsible for approving Forum membership applications.

Enhanced Partnership Operational Delivery Group

The Enhanced Partnership Operational Delivery Group is made up of bus company managers and City of York Council officers. This group is the principal delivery body for EP and BSIP schemes. Meetings are held every 3 months.

Minutes of Enhanced Partnership meetings

Minutes of previous EP Forum and EP Operational Delivery Group meetings are published on City of York Council's Democracy website.

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