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Timetable - Askham Bar

Timetable- Askham Bar

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Service 3

Askham Bar to City Centre

Day  Time  Frequency
Monday - Friday 06:00 to 07:00  Every 15-20 minutes
07:00 to 18:00 Every 12-15 minutes
18:00 to 19:59 Every 15 minutes
Saturday 06:00 to 09:00 Every 15-20 minutes
09:00 to 18:00 Every 12-15 minutes
18:00 to 19:51 Every 15 minutes
Sunday  09:30 to 17:30 Every 12-15 minutes
Last bus 17:56  

Travel time: 18 minutes

City Centre* to Askham Bar

Day  Time  Frequency
Monday - Friday 06:15 to 07:15 Every 15-20 minutes
07:15 to 18:00 Every 12-15 minutes
18:00 to 20:13 Every 15 minutes
Saturday 06:15 to 09:00 Every 15-20 minutes
09:00 to 18:00 Every 12-15 minutes
18:00 to 20:05 Every 15 minutes
Sunday  09:45 to 17:50 Every 12-15 minutes
Last bus 18:10  

Travel time: 23 minutes

 *City Centre times are shown from Tower Street. Last buses depart from Rougier Street 4 minutes later, and from York Rail Station 5 minutes later than the times shown above.

Last bus times are shown in bold. There is no service on Christmas Day or New Year's Day.

For a more detailed list of departure times please see the First York website.

Closing times

Please note that the gates to the car park will normally be locked at 20:30 (18:30 on Sundays). Overnight parking is not permitted. If your car is locked in, a £50 release fee or penalty charge notice will apply.

Where special late evening services are advertised, the car park is locked 10 minutes after the last bus arrives at the site.


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