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Interactive bus stop map

Interactive bus stop map

This map shows the locations of all bus stops in York. You can view a full-screen version of the map on Google.

Marked stops (shown in red) have a bus stop flag and pole.

Unmarked stops (shown in white) do not currently have a flag or pole. These are generally little used or rural stops. If you would like to request installation of a bus stop pole at one of these locations, please contact us.

Hail & Ride areas (shown in green) are usually found on roads where it has not been possible to find a suitable location for a marked bus stop. You can hail a bus (e.g. with a hand signal) and the driver will stop wherever it is safe to do so.

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All York ticket

Travel for as little as £4.42 per day when you buy a multi-day smart ticket, valid on all buses in York.

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