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Walking Maps

Walking maps

Walk maps york

Find maps and guides to help you walk more in York. Many of these resources are also available in paper form, including at the Visit York Information Centre and libraries. Contact us to find out more.

Exploring York

10 interesting walks around York that start and end near bus stops.

Exploring York

Visit York trails

Visit York self-guided and treasure hunt trails.

Visit York trails

See also the York Quest Trail - an app using augmented reality.

We are the Groves

See the 'storytelling walk' map, booklet and audio guide for the Groves area.

We are the Groves

Wildlife walks

Walk around these wildlife areas. Follow the Countryside Code.

Wildlife sites around York

Walking routes by theme

Accessible walks

Family walks

History and art walks

Nature walks

Parks in York

Active walks and runs

Walks beyond York

Pedestrian banner

The footstreets of pedestrian areas in York City Centre.

Recite Me accessibility and Language Support