Resident Travel Scheme
Resident Travel Scheme
Through the Resident Travel Scheme, cycle discounts, bus passes and car club discounts are offered at some new residential developments in York. Usually only the first residents of a new home can apply.
This is a scheme run by City of York Council.
Before you apply
Read the information you’ve received about what's on offer where you live. Different passes and discounts will be available at different places. The application form won’t remind you of what you can and can’t have. If you've lost or missed the information, email:
Read the terms and conditions. The application form will ask you to agree to them.
How to apply
Apply for the Resident Travel Scheme
Once you've applied we'll let you know if you have been successful within 2 weeks. If you have applied for a:
- bus pass – we'll send you the bus pass
- cycle discount – we'll send you an email or letter to take to a local cycle shop to enable you to get a discount
- car club discount – we'll send you an email with a web address to claim your car club offer
This scheme is funded through the planning process for new residential developments. It’s to encourage first occupants to travel by bus, cycle or car club, which can have benefits to local traffic flow and the environment. Therefore, it isn’t available to most residents in York.
You'll probably know if you can apply because you may have received information from us regarding this scheme. But if you think you live on a residential estate that is taking part, but missed the publicity, contact us by email:
Contact us
If you have any questions or want to follow up your application, email: