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Urban Cycle Skills

Urban Cycle Skills

Get tips, whilst you ride with a cycle trainer, on how to cycle more safely and confidently on the road.

Apply for a cycle training session for an adult or a family using the booking form below.

Sessions are currently available at the subsidised cost of £5 per adult for 90 minutes. They can be for individual adults or families (up to two adults and two children over the age of 8).

Urban Cycle Skills is tailored to meet the needs of most abilities from total beginners to advanced riders. There is no test; the aim is to build on and develop skills and confidence. Sessions are delivered by National Standards Qualified Instructors from City of York Council’s Road Safety Team.

You'll need to bring your own bike, which has to be well maintained.  But if you want to learn how to ride an electric cycle (which makes pedalling easier) we can provide one for you to ride during your session.

Who can apply

Cycle training sessions are open to all those who live in York and North Yorkshire, although all training must take place within the City of York Council authority area.

How to pay

Upon completion of the application form below, you’ll receive an email containing details of how to make a payment online. Alternatively, cash or cheque payments can be made at the Customer Service desk at West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA.

More information

For more information on training, please contact 01904 555579 or email

Urban Cycle Skills Booking Form

Please read the Privacy Notice for how we will use your data before you apply below.