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Concessionary Passes

Concessionary passes

Concessionary buss

Older people and people with qualifying disabilities are entitled to a concessionary bus pass.

See full information on concessionary bus passes and concessions for York residents on the City of York Council website. If you live elsewhere, please contact your local council or transport authority.

Our online application system makes it easy to apply for an older person's bus pass using your computer.

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the online applications system, please email us.

New applications

Before starting a new application, you will need:

  • Proof of your age and address - clearly scanned or photographed in JPG or PDF format.
  • A valid email address.
  • Your National Insurance number.
  • A good quality digital photo of yourself - clearly showing your whole face in front of a plain background with no-one else visible in the picture. Photos should ideally be in JPG format, and must be no more than 5Mb in size.

City of York Council is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers. By completing an online application, you give permission for City of York Council to use the information you provide for the improvement of financial management and the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies administering public funds solely for these purposes.

Apply online for an older person's bus pass (new applicants only)


If your pass is due to expire, we'll send your new one out by post. Unless your address has changed, you do not need to take any further action.


If you've lost your Older Person's bus pass, you can order a replacement for a fee of £10 by visiting our customer centre.

If you find your old pass after ordering a replacement, please destroy the old one to prevent it being used fraudulently.

If your bus pass has been stolen, we will replace it free of charge on production of a valid Police Incident Number.

All york

Find out where to board your bus in York city centre.

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All York ticket

Travel for just £4.42 per day when you buy a multi-day smart ticket. Valid on all buses in York.

Visit the All York page
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